April 19, 2016 Meeting & Tour
Time: 6:15 PM
4225 – 92 Ave, Edmonton, AB. T6B 3M7
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March 15, 2016
TOPIC: Resume Writing: The Alberta Institute of Power Engineers, Edmonton Branch met at the NAIT Power Engineering Department Building, and held the monthly meeting. Guest Speaker, Mr. John Iwanyshyn, PE, Maintenance Coordinator, Umicore Canada Inc., hosted this well attended event and provided information on resume writing and what employers are looking for in making their decision.
Our sincere appreciation goes out to John for the information and advice given in writing resumes and preparing for the job interview. Thank you, Danielle Woroniuk, PE, Associate Chair, NAIT Power Engineering Technology, for making arrangements for us to hold this event. We will look at having this seminar hosted annually.
Old Business:
The meeting was called to order at 6:23 PM, by Ed Hnytka, CET, PE. Second, Zachary Mullin, PE.
Saskatchewan AIPE Sub-Branch of the Edmonton Branch
Ed Hnytka, commented that Kelsey College in Saskatoon, are forming a Student Membership Club. This should be in place in the new year. The Calgary Student Membership Branch will also be brought in. On-going and in-progress however, Edmonton Branch President Ed Hnytka, CET, PE, has had no luck in contacting anyone from the Saskatchewan Branch.
IPECC Conference June 2016
The conference will be held in Edmonton, AB, June 12-16, 2016, at the Delta South Hotel. Ed Hnytka will attend as he is the Edmonton Branch President & Alberta Area Director, and represents the 4th Class Power Engineers and also sits on the Refrigeration sub-committee for IPECC.
On-going Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee (IPECC) is an innovative organization in advising the Standardization of Power Engineer Examinations Committee (SOPEEC) on matters related to examinations, curriculum and syllabi for persons pursuing careers in Power Engineering.
The Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee (IPECC) is an open membership committee to enhance networking with the Community and Industry."
The Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee (IPECC) meets once a year in various locations across Canada to discuss issues related to the Interprovincial curriculum. Participants in this Committee include Training Providers of all Power Engineering programs, Chief Provincial Examiners and interested Industry representatives. These meetings provide a forum for Industry to provide feedback to Educational Institutes and Training Providers on issues related to practicing Power Engineers. With input from all stakeholders, this committee will propose changes which are deemed necessary to enhance the training and skills of Power Engineers at all levels of competency. Changes or proposals made at these meetings are taken to the SOPEEC meeting for discussion and approval. SOPEEC presents these proposals to the Association of Chief Inspectors (ACI) for final approval and implementation.
IPECC provided valuable input for upgrading to the current 4th Class Power Engineering Syllabus and subsequent course materials. The committee was instrumental in developing the new 3rd, 2nd and 1st Class syllabi and providing direction in the production of the new curriculum.
The SOPEEC Conference will be held in Edmonton approx. one month later.
Annual Financial Returns: The AIPE Financial returns must be submitted by March 31, 2016. Complete. The “Societies Act Registration” for 2016 is due July 2016. This enables AIPE members in ‘good standing’ that hold a valid Power Engineering Certificate, use of the initials “PE” after their name. It is a professional designation.
Service Award:
President and Alberta Area Director, Ed Hnytka has a list and will be submitted to the National Office, before May 31, 2016.
New Business:
PanGlobal Award for 2016: Gerry VanHaften, was the nomination name picked for the 2016 PanGlobal award this year, for the Educator ‘Award of Excellence’. A list of nominees has been submitted on behalf of the Edmonton Branch.
The winner will receive a Certificate, and possibly a $500 cheque which is later this year should he win. This award recognizes contributions in adding value to the Power Engineering Education Community through ongoing Development of World Class Learning Materials. Last year, Ms. Danielle Woroniuk PE, Assist. Chair, NAIT Power Engineering Department was the recipient. Danielle was awarded a Certificate along with a cheque for $500. Congratulations!
**The PanGlobal Award Committee names and short biography must have been sent to the Directors for review before Feb 29, 2016. The PanGlobal Award Committee is to send nominee names to PanGlobal, before March 31, 2016.
IPE Lapel Pins: Ed mentioned that the IPE Head Office will be sending out these pins to members that have 5, 10, 15, 20, 20 & 40 years of service. The maximum is 40 years of paid membership only. In progress. There is no update at this time.
Electronic Media – The AIPE Executive met at the Boston Pizza, Kingsway Mall on Thursday, March 31, 2016, to discuss some important issues. The Executive are encouraged to bring AT LEAST ONE IDEA TO THE NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING. This is regarding improving advertising, memberships, electronic media, etc., and how we can improve in these areas.
The Edmonton Branch currently uses Derrick Schwabe, Identify Digital Media for our website (www.ipe-edmonton.ca). Derrick also presented us with a proposal so that we could post job opportunities automatically. At this time we chose not to do this and will pay for their time.
I was away at Easter and could not attend the meeting and have no update at this time.
Membership Incentive - The idea of a membership discount at the end of each year for members that have brought in a new member to join the Institute. The highest mark for a 2nd year membership as a new member will be reduced by 50% as a regular member of the IPE, for one year. No details are available but it was suggested that ED send out information to the members. The Branch would pay this fee and get reimbursement from the IPE Head Office. On-going.
Long Range Planning started. No details (Ed).
President, Secretary and Treasurer Vacancies 2017. These will be the vacancies for the Edmonton Branch Executive in 2017, (President, Secretary & Treasurer) and succession planning is needed. Ideas?
To become a member of the Institute of Power Engineers, go to the National website at: www.nip.ca., and go to the Membership section. Here you can join and make payment.
The motion to close the meeting was made by Tony Szocik, PE, at 6:57 PM. Second: Scott Brookes, PE. Carried